Visual Basic Tutorial #1 | Calculator

How to make your own calculator​

What you are making:​

Difficulty: Very easy
Time: 5-10 minutes​

Step 1:
Create a New Project -> Windows Forms Application

Step 2:

4 Buttons
2 Labels
2 Text Box

Step 3:
Rename the buttons to +, -, x, /

Move the two text box's to the top

Click the labels and remove the text saying Label.
You should have something looking like this.
Do that to both, put one in-between the two Text box's and the other where you would like the answer to show.

Should look something like this.


Step 4: Coding:
Double click the + button 
It should open up this.

Add this code:

Code (Text):
 Label2.Text = "+"
Label1.Text = Val(TextBox1.Text) + Val(TextBox2.Text)
Codes for other buttons

Step 5:
Check the error list:

If there are 0 then you can go ahead and test it out.

Click the debug button. [​IMG]

Now try it out and you may need to move the labels so it looks good.

Then you are done!
