Best Command Prompt (cmd) Tricks That You Must Know.

Starting CMD:
Before moving futher with the Tricks, let me show you how to Open Command prompt in various Windows versions.

Press Win + R keys to open up RUN, type in CMD and press enter to open Command Prompt.


Simply Search for CMD or Command prompt and click on it to open Command Prompt in your Windows PC
1. Change Colours in CMD:
By default CMD have Black Background, but you can change its Background Color and font color too. Follow the Below steps to Play with Colors in Command prompt.

Step 1: Open Command prompt

Step 2. Type in Color 3 to change the Font color to Green. Different Colors have thier own different Codes. here are some Codes that you can try and use
0 = Black
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Aqua
4 = Red
5 = Purple
6 = Yellow
7 = White
8 = Gray
9 = Light Blue
A = Light Green
B = Light Aqua
C = Light Red
D = Light Purple
E = Light Yellow
F = Bright White

Step 3: To change the Background Color of your CMD, simply Right Click on Top of your CMD and choose Properties.

Step 4: Now Click on Colors tab to choose your favourite color as Background color.

2. Check your I.P address and more about your internet.
With the help of Command Prompt you can easily find your IP address and DNS servers, command prompt will also return a ton of information like your host name, primary DNS suffix, node type, whether IP Routing, Wins Proxy, and DHCP are enabled, your network adapter`s description, your physical(MAC) address.

Step 1: Open CMD

Step 2 : Type in ipconfig/all
This will show you all the details about your internet Connection just like that.

3.Get Help from Command prompt.
If you are Confused and Do not know what command does what task. Then you can simply ask Command prompt to help you understand what task with the Command Perform on execution.

Simply Type in this format YourCommand/? to get all details what that command will do. For eg: Type color 3/? to know what Color 3 command do. it will show you that color 3 command will change the font colour of your CMD. Likewise you can check for any given command.
4.Use && to run more than one command in a single line
When you want to execute more than one command in a single line use the && operator.

5.Hide/Unhide Files and Folders
Another awesome CMD trick by which you can Hide any files or folder using CMD and you can unhide it easily too.

Yes there is a Command for it which we will execute in order to perform this trick so lets see how this is done.

Step 1: Open CMD

Step 2: Type this Command without Quotes> "attrib +s +h Your_File_location" . Your_File_Location means the place where your files is located in your Hard disk. For Eg: I want thide a folder with name "Videos" which exists in my "D" drive, then i will Type "attrib +s +h D:\Videos" 

Step 3:The Above Command will hide my Videos folder from D drive. To Unhide it just Type this command"attrib -s -h D:\Videos"
Only Difference between botht he Command is "+" & "-" Signs.


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