How to make an advanced chat spammer in VB,NET

Hey guys its Meher c: and imma show you how to make an advanced chat spammer <3

This is what you will need on your form...

2 Buttons
1 Timer (Enabled = False)(Interval = 100)
2 Labels
2 textboxes
(Should look like this)

Once you got all that on your form now we can input the codes c:

Double Click Button1 and input this code (Text = Start)

Basically this is telling the timer1 to start to send the text in textbox1.text.

Double Click button2 and input this code (Text = Stop)
Label1.text = "0"

Basically this is telling the timer1 to stop sending the text in textbox1.text and clearing out label 1 of the total amount sent.

Double click Timer1 and input this code
label1.text = Label1.text + 1
Textbox2.text = timer1.interval * 50

This is telling to send the text on textbox1.text to where you are spamming, The second code is telling to send the key Enter to be automatically clicked, The third code is telling label1.text to add 1 number more every time it sends the text, The fourth code is basically timer1.interval = textbox2.text * 50 so that'll be the speed of how fast you send it.

When you're done all that rename the text on all you buttons and labels c: (Should look like this)

Hope this helps some people C: Please leave your feedback <3